2017年10月末に野田建築50周年記念事業の一環として記念誌 UNGA NEXT を発刊いたしました。本書は,「1.育む」「2.学び,実践する」「3.軌跡を残す」「4.現在,そしてこれからの50年を展望する」等から構成されています。歴代の教員リストやインタビュー,OB/OGの寄稿も多数掲載しております。
野田建築50周年記念事業実行委員会 委員長
東京理科大学理工学部建築学科 教授
Noda Architecture 50th Anniversary Book UNGA NEXT has been Published
As a part of the Noda Architecture 50th Anniversary Project at the end of October 2017 we have published “UNGA NEXT”. This book consists of chapters such as “1. Nurture”, “2. Learn and Practice”, “3. Leave a Legacy”, “4. Now and the Next 50 years”. It contains past and present faculty member lists, interviews, as well as articles from graduates.
We will distribute the book on request basis. Please e-mail your name, address, telephone number, number of copies to the Noda Architecture 50th anniversary committee (ar50unganext@rs.tus.ac.jp) in December. Copies cost 3,000 yen including shipping fees payable by a transfer form also enclosed.
Masayuki Nagano
Chairman of Noda Architecture 50th Anniversary Project
November 2017