


Nagano Lab Assistant Professor and Student Win the Awards at JEES Conference

An assistant Professor from Nagano Lab, Liu Hong and a student from Nagano Lab, Akihiro Matsuzawa have received award at The 16th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium(16JEES). The details are below.

受賞者: 創域理工学部建築学科 助教 博士(工学) 劉虹
指導教員: 創域理工学部 建築学科 教授 永野正行
受賞題目: 2023年トルコ・シリア地震における震源近傍の強震記録に基づく地震動予測式の検証
Recipient: Liu Hong (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Dr. Eng.)
Supervisor: Professor Masayuki Nagano (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Presentation Title: Validation of Ground Motion Prediction Equations Based on Near-Source Strong Motion Records of 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake
受賞者: 創域理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修士課程2年 松澤旺大
指導教員: 創域理工学部 建築学科 教授 永野正行
受賞題目: オイルダンパーを適用した超高層制震建物の基本振動特性の評価法の提案と妥当性の検証
Recipient: Akihiro Matsuzawa (2nd Year Master Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Supervisor: Professor Masayuki Nagano (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Presentation Title: Proposal and Validation of Evaluation Method for Fundamental Dynamic Characteristics of High-rise Building with Oil Dampers