3月19日(火)に武道館と神楽坂キャンパスにて「2022年度 学位記・修了証書授与式」が挙行されました。幸いに天候にも恵まれ、晴天のもといたるところで学友同士による記念撮影や、式典の後には別れを惜しみ将来をたたえ合う同期の姿が見られました。当日は、大勢のご家族や友人たちにも来場いただき、感動的なシーンが多く見られました。皆さん、おめでとうございます。
The graduation award 2022
On Tuesday, March 19, the “Academic Year 2022 Degree and Certificate Conferral Ceremony” was held at the Budokan and Kagurazaka Campus. Fortunately, the weather was fine, and alumni were everywhere taking commemorative photos and, after the ceremony, bidding farewell to each other and praising each other for the future. Many family members and friends came to the event, and there were many touching scenes. Congratulations to everyone!