Iwaoka Lab Student received three awards at an external graduation design exhibition held in 2022.At the Chiba Prefectural Architecture Student Award, we received a special award, a Nanohanakai Award, and an online award at the Red Brick Graduation Design Exhibition. The details of the awards are as follows.
受賞者 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 小山大輝
指導教員 理工学部 教授 岩岡竜夫
受賞題目 第20次卸売市場整備計画-淀橋市場の50年後を5年ごとに見直す設計手法の提案-
Recipient:Daiki Koyama(1st Year Master Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Supervisor:Professor Tatsuo Iwaoka (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Presentation Title:20th wholesale market development plan -Proposal of a design method to review the Yodobashi market 50 years later every 5 years-