
防火部門 / Fire Safety Section

Ohmiya Lab Student Wins Awards at AIJ Conference

A student in Ohmiya was awarded a prize for the excellent presentation by a young researcher at the 2021 Annual Conference, Architectural Institute of Japan (Tokai). The details are as follows,

受賞者:  理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修士課程1年 山田しえ理

指導教員: 理工学部 建築学科 教授 大宮 喜文

受賞題目: 特異火災事例の調査に基づく小規模建築物の避難特性

Recipient: Shieri Yamada (1st Year Master Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)

Supervisor: Professor Yoshifumi Ohmiya (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)

Presentation Title: Evacuation Characteristics of Small Buildings Based on Singular Fire Incident