
Nagano Lab Student Win the Award at AIJ Conference

A student from Nagano Lab have picked up the award at the 2021 Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Conference(Tokai). The details are below.

構造部門/Structures Section

受賞者: 理工学建築学科 建築学専攻 修士課程1年 堤俊介
指導教員: 理工学部 建築学科 教授 永野正行
受賞題目: 動的相互作用を考慮したパルス性地震動に対する超高層RC造建物の応答低減効果
Recipient: Tsutsumi Shunsuke (1st Year Master Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Supervisor: Professor Masayuki Nagano (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Presentation Title: Response Reduction Effect of Super High-Rise RC Buildings to Pulse-Like Input Motions Considering Dynamic Interaction