
Kanematsu Lab Students Win Awards at AIJ Conference

A student of Kanematsu Laboratory was awarded a prize for the Excellent presentation by a young researcher at the 2021 Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan (Tokai), Material and Construction Division. The details of the award are as follows.

受賞者: 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 博士後期課程1年 小林謙祐
指導教員: 理工学部 建築学科 教授 兼松学
受賞題目: 異形鉄筋の節形状がコンクリートとの付着特性に及ぼす影響
Recipient: Kensuke Kobayashi (1st Year Doctor Course, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Supervisor: Professor Manabu Kanematsu (Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Presentation Title: The Effect on Bond Characteristics of Different Rib Shapes on Deformed Rebar