



開催日: 201年3月9日(土)
会場: 幕張イオンモール
参加大学: 千葉大学 千葉工業大学 東京電機大学 東京理科大学 日本大学 明海大学 千葉職業能力開発短期大学校
審査員: 田端友康 磯野友由 蒲生良隆 貞弘清英 西山芽衣 田村祐希 佐々木達郎
審査結果: (参加発表学生数21)
優秀賞:高梨 淳(東京理科大学)

Chiba Prefecture Architecture Student Award

The Chiba Prefecture Architecture Student Award is a design competition where students from seven universities in Chiba Prefecture meet as a representative of each school and perform a joint review of graduation design.

Haruka Sakata (Kakino Laboratory) and Takanashi Atsushi (Ito Laboratory) participated in the 31st Chiba Architecture Student Award at Makuhari Iomon Mall on March 9. Haruka Sakata received the Encouragement Prize, and the work award chosen by the Chiba Prefectural architect.

At the review meeting, we received a lot of inspiration from the judges and the students of other universities, and were able to accumulate valuable lightness in the task as a culmination of the student of graduation design.

Takanashi, who won the Excellence Award, will exhibit at the JIA National Student Graduation Design Competition 2019 as a representative of Chiba Prefecture.

Date: 9 March 2019 (Sat)
Place Makuhari Iomon Mall
Parcticpating Schools: Chiba University Chiba Institute of Technology Tokyo Denki University Tokyo University of Science Nihon University Meikai University Chiba College of Professional Development Short-term University
Jury: Tomoyasu Tabata Tomoyoshi Isono  Yositaka Gamou  Kiyohide Sadahiro  Mei Nishiyama  Yuki Tamura Tatsurou Sasaki
Results: (from 21 participants)
First Prize: Akitata Katsube (Nihon University)
First runner-up: Atsushi Takanashi (Tokyo University of Science)
First runner-up: Annmi Saijo  (Chiba University)