『第44 回地盤震動シンポジウム』が12月2日(金)10時00分より建築会館ホールにて開催されます。

第44回地盤震動シンポジウム(2016) 【2016年熊本地震で何が起きたか】
日程 2016 年12月2日(金)10:00~17:20

第44回地盤震動シンポジウム(2016 2016年熊本地震で何が起きたか


第44回地盤震動シンポジウム(2016) 2016年熊本地震で何が起きたか <主催> 日本建築学会 構造委員会 振動運営委員会 地盤 …

場所 建築会館ホール(東京都港区芝5丁目26番20号)
定 員: 180 名(当日会場先着順)
参加費: 日本建築学会会員5,000円、後援団体会員6,000円、会員外8,000円、学生3,000円 *資料代3,000円含む

◎ 熊本地震の概要
◎ 熊本地震の震源像
吉見雅行(産業技術総合研究所),森川信之(防災科学技術研究所) 引間和人(東京電力)
◎ 熊本地震の地震動と被害
秦 吉弥(大阪大学),境有紀(筑波大学),元木健太郎(小堀鐸二研究所) 柏尚稔(国総研),永野正行(前掲)
◎ 建物・地盤の相互作用 田村修次(東京工業大学),護雅史(名古屋大学)


The 44th Ground Motion Symposium, hosted by the AIJ Ground Motion Sub-Committee chaired by Department of Architecture Professor Nagano will be held on the 2nd of December from 10am at the Architectural Institute of Japan Hall.

Event: 44th Ground Motion Symposium (2016) “What exactly happened in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake?”
Date: 2 December 2016 (Fri) 10:00 – 17:00
Place: Architectural Institute of Japan Hall (Shiba 5-26-20, Minato-Ku, Tokyo)
Capacity: Up to 180 (on a first come first served basis)
Admission: AIJ Members: 5,000yen, Supporter’s Group Members: 6,000yen, Non-members: 8,000yen, Students 3,000yen (includes a 3,00yen fee for printed material)

This symposium is jointly hosted by AIJ Ground Motion Sub-Committee and Subsoil-Foundation System Vibration Sub-Committee and plans to create lectures from a wide a wide range of fields to cover points such as a general summary of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, visualisation of the epicentre, seismic movement and damage.

Outline of the Kumamoto Earthquake
Tatsuo Shino (Kyushu University)

Visualising the Epicentre of the Kumamoto Earthquake
Masayuki Yoshimi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Nobuyuki Morikawa (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Kazuto Hikima (Tokyo Electric)

Kumamoto Earthquake Seismic Movement and Damage
Yoshiya Hata (Osaka University), Yuki Sakai (Tsukuba University), Kentaro Motoki (Kobori Research Complex), Hisatoshi Kashiwa (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management), Masayuki Nagano (mentioned above)

Building Ground Interaction
Shuji Tamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Masafumi Mori (Nagoya University)

Special Lecture: Subsurface Wave Propagation and the Dynamics of Building Ground Interactions
Shoichi Nakai (Chiba University)

For more information: