Civic Pride 2 (Japanese Cities Edition): Designing Connections Between People and the City to be launched in September 2015.


伊藤教授が代表を務めるシビックプライド研究会の成果で、2008 年に出版された『シビックプライド:都市のコミュ ニケーションをデザインする』の続編です。

シビックプライド(都市に対する市民の誇り)が個々人のアクションと結びついてまちを変えていくことが書かれています。 是非ご一読ください。

Civic Pride 2 (Japanese Cities Edition): Designing Connections Between People and the City is the follow-up to the 2008 Civic Pride: Designing City Communication. It is produced by the Civic Pride Research Group and edited by Department of Architecture and Building Engineering professor and leader of the Civic Pride Research Group Kaori Ito.

Civic Pride, a term used to describe people’s personal connection to their built environment, explores how communities are made and evolve through peoples’ actions and ties to the city.