This school cultivates people with the power to conceive the dreams of society, to resolve global-scale issues such as environmental problems while at the same time respecting local histories and cultures and using specialist knowledge and technology to create appropriate living environments.2017 is the the 50th anniversary of the Department of Architecture. Looking forward to the next 50 years, we aim to build an education system to advance international-level technology by strengthening connections to society through alumni and building practical knowledge.
3 + 3 system: With almost 60% of Department of Architecture undergraduate students advancing on to graduate school, we will shift from a ‘4 + 2’ system to a ‘3 + 3’ system. Through our studio-based system and ‘Cross Course’, an interdisciplinary approach to education, we are aiming to acquire the highest level of specialisation.

Foreign University Technology and Student Exchanges
Looking to develop international activities we have established technical and student exchanges with Aalborg University (Denmark), Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the University of Toulouse (France).

Introduction of Student Work Through UNGA BOOK
Student work produced at the Department of Architecture is published annually in UNGA BOOK. Copies will be distributed at the Noda Open Campus, so please get a copy and have a look.
テキスト『理工系の基礎 建築学』と講義『建築学入門』

‘Fundamentals of Science & Technology: Architecture’ and ‘Introduction to Architecture’
Utilizing the World Heritage National Museum of Western Art as a case study, the omnibus ‘Introduction to Architecture’, created by the combined efforts of the faculty and alumni,
will allow first year students to understand architecture from planning to completion and operation.
大学院教育 質の高いデザインと安全・安心を求めて
Graduate School Course: Demanding High Quality Design and Safety
To provide a high quality 6 year course, ‘Architecture Design’ utilises design professionals and has introduced an international style studio system with focussed, personalised direction.
The 6 year intra-department ‘Disaster Risk Management’ interdisciplinary course plays a central role in ‘Architectural Disaster Prevention’ which concentrates research on disasters such as fires and earthquakes.

4月 | 上旬 新入生ガイダンス 上旬 入学式 中旬~ 前期授業開始 |
5月 | |
6月 | |
7月 | |
8月 | 上旬 定期試験 第2週頃~ 夏休み(約1ヶ月) 8日頃 オープンキャンパス |
9月 | 第3週頃~ 後期授業開始 |
10月 | 下旬 一般コース卒論発表会 |
11月 | 理大祭 下旬 卒業設計中間発表会 |
12月 | 上旬 修士設計中間発表会 12/25頃~ 冬休み(約3週間) |
1月 | 下旬 定期試験 |
2月 | 上旬 卒業・修士論文提出,卒業・修士設計提出 卒業・修士論文審査会,卒業・修士設計審査会 |
3月 | 卒業式,学位記・修了証書授与式 |
Academic Calendar
April | Early April New Entrants Orientation Early April Entrance Ceremony Mid-April First Semester Classes Begin |
May | |
June | |
July | |
August | Early August Examination Period Mid-August Summer Vacation (Approx.1 month) Open Campus |
September | Mid-September Second Semester Begins |
October | Late October General Course Thesis Presentations |
November | Ridaisai (Tokyo University of Science Festival) Late November Bachelor Program Graduation Design Mid-Term Presentations |
December | Early December Master Program Design Project Mid-Term Presentations Late December Winter Vacation (Approx.3 weeks) |
January | Late January Examination Period |
February | Early February Bachelor Program / Master Program Thesis Submission Early February Bachelor Program / Master Program Design Project Submission |
March | Graduation Ceremonies |
学部 Bachelor Program
The School of Architecture and Building Engineering fosters talented individuals to further ever diversifying fields that the future demands. By understanding the global issues that we face while also respecting specific regional and cultural histories we strive to build specialist knowledge and technologies to construct appropriate environments for our changing lives.
Based on this philosophy, this school offers a wide ranging education in architectural environments grounded in both fundamentals and advanced specialist learning. Our approach is deeply rooted in understanding social, regional and historical climates to advance sustainable, safe and healthy architectural environments while cultivating an awareness of one’s role and responsibility to contribute to society as an architect, architectural engineer or researcher.
We are committed to utilising high quality knowledge and skills to cultivate imagination and contribute to the enrichment of society.

大学院 Master Program
理工学研究科建築学専攻の専門分野は「建築計画学」「建築設計学」「建築史学」「都市計画学」「建築構造学」「構造力学」「建築材料学」「建築防災学」「建築環境工学」の9部門で、これらが縦横に絡み合いながら、実験や演習を主体とした研究が 進められます。
理工学系の建築学は、美観に象徴される空間デザインなど、芸術的側面が重視される特徴があります。また、地震や火災などの災害に対する安全性を確保するための技術や、建築空間の快適性を確保するための設備として、OAシステムを含めた技術的側面が重視される傾向もあります。これらは、研究の成果というよりも、社会的ニーズを 取り込んだ結果としてもたらされたものといえるでしょう。建築学では適性に合う分野の選択が特に大切です。物理学的内容から芸術的内容まで、多様な研究を内包する本専攻では、それは十分可能です。
Symbolised by climate change, environmental issues continuing at a global scale, thinking about Japan’s future and issues with a decreasing population and ageing cannot be overlooked, with the construction of fibre optic networks we can see the genuine arrival of advanced information and communication. the arrival of the 21st Century has seen an unprecedented increase in issues. All of these things have a deep connection to architecture.
We take an interdisciplinary approach to research; the graduate program at the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering spans nine fields: Architectural Planning, Architectural Design, Architectural History, Urban Planning, Building Construction, Structures, Building Materials, Disaster Prevention and Environmental Engineering.
The Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Science and Technology values beautiful, aesthetic spaces while also utilising technology to create environments that are safe and comfortable.
We strive to meet the needs of society. From artistic to scientific fields, this school provides opportunities to be involved in many kinds of research.